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Instababay Generator with Junichi Yamaoka

Now that human genome editing is possible, we face the ethical dilemma of designer baby. And in the near future, if it becomes a more convenient and fashionable trend to make designer baby, how will people's morals change? Today, with the spread of social media and e-commerce, it has become possible to purchase products you love at a reasonable price instantly from all over the world. Furthermore, with the development of digital fabrication technology, the time will come for everyone to create custom-made products .This art work is an installation that expresses the future in which users can manufacture designer's babies themselves. You can design, customize, buy, and manufacture your baby with your favorite gene on your laptop. If your child's health, IQ, appearance, etc. can be controlled with this keyboard, what will you prioritize?





Instababy Generator

Instababy Generator

Instababy Generator (2019) Emi Kusano, Junichi Yamaoka Now that human genome editing is possible, we face the ethical dilemma of designer babies. And in the near future, if it becomes a more convenient and fashionable trend to make designer babies, how will people's morals change? Today, with the spread of social media and e-commerce, it has become possible to purchase products you love at a reasonable price instantly from all over the world. Furthermore, with the development of digital fabrication technology, the time will come for everyone to create custom-made products. This artwork is an installation that expresses the future in which users can manufacture designer's babies themselves. You can design, customize, buy and manufacture your baby with your favorite gene on your laptop. If your child's health, IQ, appearance, etc. can be controlled with this keyboard, what will you prioritize? First, a user takes a picture of a face with a camera, inputs different information such as physical characteristics and skills from a web screen, and generates data of a child. After that, when the design is completed, a 3D printed figure appears from the display filled with white water, and the face shows the child's face created based on the visitor's face. By projecting it on a white surface, you can make it look as if a child has been materialized from the screen. Crisperによって、人間の遺伝子操作が可能となった現在、我々はデザイナー・ベイビーにおける倫理的課題に直面している。そして近い将来、デザイナーベイビーを作ることがよりファッショナブルになり、更には手軽で簡易的なものになってしまったら人の倫理観はどのように歪んでいくのかだろうか。 現代の消費社会は、オンラインショッピング、ソーシャルメディアの普及により、好きなものを安価に世界中から瞬間的に取り寄せることが可能になった。さらに、これからデジタルファブリケーション技術が発展すれば、カスタムメイドした製品を誰もが作れる時代がくるだろう。 本作品は、このような技術的発展を背景に、誰もが自分のラップトップ上でデザイナーベイビーをジェネレートし、購入から、実際に製造できてしまう未来を表現したインスタレーション作品である。もし、我が子の健康状態、知能、容姿などがこの手でコントロール可能になったら、あなたは何を選ぶだろうだろう。 SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019 Art Gallery, Brisbane, 2019.
Floating Coral

Emi Kusano
A Tokyo-based multidisciplinary artist, explores retro-futurism, accelerationism, and Japanese youth culture nostalgia. As the lead singer and producer of "Satellite Young," she gained exposure at SXSW 2017. Embracing Web3 in 2021 through her son's "Zombie Zoo" project, she co-founded Shinsei Galverse, a top-selling NFT anime project. Emi collaborates with animator Ayaka Ohira, reinterpreting 90s sci-fi anime and emphasizing women's liberation. Additionally, she is a published author, Tokyo University of Arts lecturer, and frequent media guest discussing NFTs and Web3.

Junichi Yamaoka 
Born in 1988, currently enrolled in the doctoral program at Keio University's Graduate School of Policy and Media Studies. Special Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1). Engaged in research related to fabrication tools that support creative activities such as manual labor, as well as virtual reality. Also produces and presents media art works that fuse the physical and digital realms. Winner of the WIRED CREATIVE HACK AWARD 2014, among other accolades.
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